Eagle Creek watershed

Watershed Restoration using Spatio-Temporal Optimization of Resources

Visualize & Design Your Watershed Landscape

Eagle Creek Watershed

USER : session eb-test

Total number of suggested plans (i.e., conservation plans) recommended in this session: 20 | Page 1 of 20


Learn about Suggested Plan SP


Evaluate Suggested Plan SP


Click on the PFR tab to view bar plots that assess the performance (i.e., benefits) of this suggested plan in comparison to others.

Also, note the following about the bar plots:

  1. The yellow colored bar corresponds to the suggested plan you see on this page.
  2. The other bars represent the rest of the suggested plans that you will be evaluating and will be highlighted similarly as you go through the pages.
  3. The length of the bar corresponds to an average value of the benefit. When thin lines are present with the bars, they indicate the range (i.e., minimum and maximum values) of the cost or benefit.
  4. Acronyms stand for:

    • PFR is Peak Flow Reduction in cubic meters per second (cms) . This represents the benefit of reduced flooding in the landscape

    • SR is Sediment Reduction in tons. This represents the benefit of reduced erosion in the landscape.

    • NR is Nitrate Reduction in Kilograms (kg). This represents the benefit of reduced fertilizer loss in the landscape.

    • P is Profit (Revenue-Cost) in US Dollars. This represents the expenses and revenue accrued from implementing proposed conservation decisions on the landscape.

PFR in Cubic meters per second (cms)
Suggested Plans - SP
Profit in US Dollars
Suggested Plans - SP
Sediment Reduction in tons
Suggested plans
Nitrate Reduction in kilograms (kg)
Suggested plans

Rate Suggested Plan P based on its performance

How confident are you about your rating? (%)

based on its feasibility

How confident are you about your rating? (%)

wetlands' Circles: r = 3.5, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 7.5
wetlands' Ranges: r = [<2], [2-6], [6-11], [11-15], [15-29], [29-40], [>40]
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WRESTORE Visualization Tool


In this session, you will see multiple suggested plans for implementing new conservation practices on the watershed landscape.

In WRESTORE, every suggested plan consists of multiple conservation decisions distributed over the landscape. Each conservation decision describes the type of recommended conservation practice (e.g. wetlands), location where the practice is implemented, and other attributes such as size, etc.

You are advised to first learn about decisions recommended by a suggested conservation plan (i.e. Step 1), then assess its performance in comparison to other plans suggested in the user session (i.e. Step 2), and then finally evaluate the suggested plan based on its overall performance (i.e. Step 3).

Your feedback will help WRESTORE create new conservation plans that best meet your needs. For each session, you will be evaluating 20 suggested plans using the star rating in Step 3.

WRESTORE Visualization Tool

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WRESTORE Visualization Tool


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WRESTORE Visualization Tool

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WRESTORE Visualization Tool

End of Session 2

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