Eagle Creek Watershed
Eagle Creek Watershed
Total number of suggested plans (i.e., conservation plans) recommended in this session: 20 | Page 1 of 20
Click on tabs to view how the performance (i.e., benefits and costs) of this suggested plan spatially varies over the landscape.
Acronyms stand for:
PFR is Peak Flow Reduction in cubic meters per second (cms) . This represents the benefit of reduced flooding in the landscape
SR is Sediment Reduction in tons. This represents the benefit of reduced erosion in the landscape.
NR is Nitrate Reduction in Kilograms (kg). This represents the benefit of reduced fertilizer loss in the landscape.
P is Profit (Revenue-Expenses) in US Dollars. This represents the monetary benefits minus costs accrued from implementing proposed conservation decisions on the landscape.
Click on tabs to view bar plots that assess the performance (i.e., benefits and costs) of this suggested plan in comparison to others.
Also, note the following about the bar plots:
Acronyms stand for:
PFR is Peak Flow Reduction in cubic meters per second (cms) . This represents the benefit of reduced flooding in the landscape
SR is Sediment Reduction in tons. This represents the benefit of reduced erosion in the landscape.
NR is Nitrate Reduction in Kilograms (kg). This represents the benefit of reduced fertilizer loss in the landscape.
P is Profit (Revenue-Cost) in US Dollars. This represents the expenses and revenue accrued from implementing proposed conservation decisions on the landscape.
In this session, you will see multiple options for implementing new conservation practices on the watershed landscape.
In WRESTORE, an option is also called a conservation plan. Every suggested conservation plan consists of multiple conservation decisions distributed over the landscape. Each conservation decision describes the type of recommended conservation practice, location where the practice is implemented, and other attributes such as size, etc.
You are advise to first learn about decisions recommended by a suggested conservation plan (i.e. Step 1), then assess its performance in comparison to other plans suggested in the user session (i.e. Step 2), and then finally evaluate the suggested plan based on its overall performance, feasibility, and your own personal preferences (i.e. Step 3).
Your feedback will help WRESTORE create new conservation plans that best meet your preferences and constraints.
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